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We had a meaningful time at our Support Group today,  Pathways and Perspectives  De-Stress Cafe, ‘Chat and Cuppa’ where we discussed our experiences of life with a particular focus on what we do to help ourselves feel more positive when our mood takes a dip.   We explored self-care strategies, including watching TV with a cup of tea, focusing on nature and the seasons, and looking at life from a different point of view.   I light-heartedly shared my tendency to wear bright colours and funky earrings to help boost my mood.   We all agreed that the sunshine today has helped heighten our sense of well-being after several gloomy January days.  We also talked about family experiences, including those which place demands on our time and resources, and the richness of what it means to be part of a family.

We are looking forward to meeting again on Monday 13th March, in Jewels,  Bedford Square, Houghton Regis, 2.30pm until 3.30pm.  

Rachel Honeyford

I work by providing a safe, confidential space where people can bring their feelings and thoughts and work at their own pace. My aim is to be supportive and compassionate while helping people see aspects of their situation they haven't already considered. I aim to adapt my approach to every unique individual's particular wishes, needs and circumstances. For example, I offer the opportunity to work creatively and/or look at past experiences or how someone thinks and feels in 'the here and now'.

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