I wonder if you have a favourite season in the year?
Personally, I really love autumn, well, perhaps particularly when the sun comes out! The following words and phrases capture some of my feelings about it:
- Mellow
- Gold
- Crisp
- Glowing colours while walking
- Enveloping
- Making way for new growth
- Fragrant candlelight
- Cosy
- Comfort Food
Of course, not everyone will identify with this perspective – how are you feeling about it? It can be hard if Autumn is associated with painful memories or feelings; if this is you then self-compassion, where you treat yourself kindly and gently, can offer comfort, as can reaching out to other people.
For me, one of the beautiful aspects of life is the changing seasons, and I find it strangely intriguing that during the Autumn and Winter months, many plants and trees are strengthening their roots, and preparing for new Spring growth. On the surface, a large deciduous tree can look pretty much dead with a few straggly leaves left on branches, and very little else. It seems like a miracle when vibrant fresh leaves unfurl in the Spring – and on WHAT a scale, with myriad leaves bursting on twigs and branches, and ground shoots appearing from apparently nowhere. This would not be possible without that season of rest and strengthening of roots.
Whether we are sailing along happily in life or facing many challenges, it helps us get along more purposefully when we deliberately choose to give ourselves time to ‘strengthen our roots’ for example, by resting, taking time out or doing something we like. How about it?